Thursday, July 30, 2009

listen people, i am no betty crocker, and i am hardly domestic (just as i like it), but yesterday i made sugar cookies from scratch!!! and ashley, my roommate, made a great glaze frosting for them from scratch! (I also made a cobbler two days ago! I don't know what has come over me!) We made the cookies for our friend adam because the day before he had lost someone very special and important to him, so we thought to bring a bit of cheer into a grim day we would make him cookies baked with love. :) I also made some texas cookies, because i mean really...who wouldn't? OH! and a little cake of course!

Friday, July 10, 2009

At the end of the day, I am scared to death of my future. I am destined to be a poor, starving artist. I am scared of people hating my work and failing to bring myself joy from it. Hopefully that won't happen and I will produce a portfolio half as wonderful as Cynthia Warren, one of my largest sources of inspiration.

view the rest of her portfolio here:

Sunday, July 5, 2009

watch this:
amaaaaazing. i want to make a pop-up book now! it's actually something i've been toying with since i babysat sweet sophia(6) and chloe(3) a little over a week ago. i read them a pop-up book about a fairy garden before bedtime full of little pockets and surprises and so love the idea and the nostalgia of it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

so, i never really elaborated on lake tahoe and here i am posting about my next trip! i am in lillian, al, population...100? haha, no, definitely more than that, but still, very lower alabama. let's jkust say i had to drive over 45 minutes to go to barnes and noble. gasp. but in any case, there was a point tonight where i was sitting on the pier(for those of you who don't know i am at my grandparents house and they live on the bay) watching the younger kids shooting of fireworks and i turned and *gasp* more foreworks. i kept turing, all the way around, more and more fireworks. i was surrounded 360degrees by fireworks and it was so magical. fireworks make me so happy. they give me little morsels of hope and inspiration. that is so effing cheesy, but even more so true. i want fireworks at every big event in my life. anyway, just thought i'd share. :)